I read the topic that we are supposed to read before posting a new one... Hopefully I can provided enough details smile. For starters, I am used to using a tent and am contemplating on switching to a hammock. I am 5 foot 3 inches and 110 pounds. A 26 yr old Female. It will Definately have to be lightweight or ultralight, because at times, I will backpack up to 30 miles. I will be in 30 degrees and up weather when it is cold. And I also will hike and camp in warm and hot months. I would not like to get wet, so a tarp would be necessary. I would like to spend the least amount of money as possible, while also maintaining quality and durability. I can't think of any other info before I ask my questions, except that I camp and hike with a partener or group... And that I am just now getting back in the swing of things. I will answer any other forgotten info if anyone needs it.

My questions are: What is good hammock to start with as a beginner tree hanger? What would be a good tarp that would keep out even sideways rain? What would be a great lightweight sleeping bag in case I am unexpectedly caught in 20 degree weather? Is there anything I need to know I should have while hiking with a hammock? That's all I can think of... Right now anyway, lol. I would prefer if experienced hangers answered, and if someone has any suggestions about light weight gear and food, etc... I would love to know. Thank you so much!