Most definitely, if only for repairs and alterations.

I love buying discounted pants with legs too long.

I hate throwing something away because one cheap seam failed.

I could ask a family member to sew, but I might not get the item back for a year, heck mom has a new pair of pants of mine from 11 years ago.

Several rules to make sewing easier.

Change needles often, they are cheap but a dull or blunted one will cause problems.

Buy the best thread you can.

If the machine snarles up, cut off thead back to the spool or bobbin, it might be a bad spot or damaged, saving a pennys worth a thread is not worth the greif it can cause.

Keep the bobbin case area clean.

Don't let people play with it.


If you start feeling stressed out take a break, much better to have a nice cupa tea than spend half an hour ripping out a wrong seam.

Do whats needed to see what you are doing, I sprung for one of those lamps with the magnifing lens, my eyes aren't what they used to be and use it for seam ripping and threading needles.

Avoid deadlines, I haven't yet done a project I was happy with while under one.
A project takes as long as it takes, a well thought out one can seem to fall together.
Why am I getting old faster than I'm getting smart?