I hope you've read the excellent articles on the home page of this site! I was able to cut my total pack weight in half using those suggestions, particularly the 27 lb, 7-day pack list. (I'm actually at 24 lbs. for 7 days, but I eat less food than most.)

Be sure to test out your gear and practice skills at home in your back yard. Then maybe a few car-camping trips and then a really short backpack or two (with all your gear) camping only a mile or two from the car. This will allow you to learn how to use your gear and learn some skills where you can bail out if too much goes wrong. Then take several longer distance backpacks which will be a "shakedown cruise." Be sure to do some of this in wet weather.

For this sort of trip, staying dry is extra important. If something gets wet, the atmosphere where you're going is so soggy that it will take forever to dry. Test your rain gear during a long stint in the shower and your other gear (tent or tarp, etc.) outside in the back yard in the rain.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey