I hope everyone is doing well and not melting from the summer heat. As of this morning, 390 thru-hikers have completed the survey - this is by far the largest dataset collected from a collective 804,300 miles of hiking!

I'm going to keep this survey open until 8/29, but then it's on to the data analysis stage. This will take several months to do a full-blown workup, but I'll have rough results in time for the Gathering in October.

If you know of anyone has attempted a thru-hike that still might be interested in completing a survey, feel free to send them to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=KvzRwDZ93H3RTT0y1rzzhw_3d_3d

Thank you again,

-John Pugh (Johnny Swank, MEGA 2000)
