Everyone is different. Although not "technology" I quit taking books with me (or books on tape for mu I-pod) because I would get so wrapped up in the book that I would find myself thinking about "what happens next" in the story instead of focusing on the wilderness! Soothing music, on the other hand, only at night, using ear buds, simply help pass the long winter dark hours and going to sleep. I am at the age where the music gets my mind off the aches from the day.

As for photography, as a kid I loved to thumb through my family's photo albums. My family was not wealthy, but no matter how poor, someone had a camera. Today my photos are put on my computer screen saver (slide show mode) so I get to relive trips! The older I get, the more I enjoy this when I am on the computer. Taking photos actually enhances my wilderness experience because I really have to examine a scene to get a good photo. And often when I look at the photo later there will be some feature or animal that I totally missed! It is like getting a surprise Christmas present.

Same for fishing. Yes, I need "gadgets" to fish but fishing also makes me really look at the water I am fishing. Fishing is one thing that makes me a bit crazy- I will spontaneously walk the shore or go to nearby lake I would never go to if I rationally thought about it. To me, supplementing my own food is a real wilderness experience. I used to do a bit of foraging too; I really have to get back into that. Wild raspberries- the best!