I'm not sure why you are seeking the advice of strangers on the internet, when you already have a friend you have consulted, whose judgment you are familiar with.

I'm also not sure what "high purity oxygen" might be, since oxygen is an element, not a compound. Moreover, no particular product is going to have 'better' oxygen than any other product. The only thing proprietary might be the container or the delivery mechanism, but this technology is old enough that I doubt there's anything special about the brand you named.

But, if going above 10,000 feet gives you terrible nausea and migraine headaches, and you still insist on going up that high "often", if you think using oxygen might help, just what is stopping you from trying it to see if it helps you? Such matters are often individual, so that it wouldn't matter if it helps others. All that matters is whether it helps you and the only way to know is to try it. Surely, you have plenty of motivation without our assistance.