Hiking 65 kms in 6 days in boots sounds horrible particularly if they give your feet problems.

I am not trying to be trite. There is an old adage that you needed a good pair of boots to backpack. Many people on here (and other light weight backpackers) have found many of their problems went away when they got rid of their boots. Lightweight hikers allow your feet to breathe so you don't get hot spots. Assuming the shoes you wear every day don't rub on your scar, I am guessing a pair of hiking shoes also will not rub on your scar. Also, when you hike, your feet are constantly moving. Shaving off weight from your foot wear can increase hiking efficiency significantly. (If you look, I think you can find a study the military did on it).

You don't have to take my word for it. I believe we have at least a couple members you have hiked in the Andes hopefully they will weigh in. I hike in the Sierra and found it much more enjoyable when I got rid of by heavy hiking boots.