I got my potatoes up and I'm getting some tomatoes now. I planted both late so the potatoes are mostly small, but delicious all the same.

The tomatoes are small too, and they're shelf ripened because if I let them ripen on the vine, or even get too big, the bugs get them. They are delicious though, and some purple heirlooms that I planted are especially tasty.

Got another nice batch of Shittakes again this week, at least 10lbs. On a whim I went down back in the forest to check them and they were just perfect for picking. Can't believe I caught them because it really was a whim.

And I planted some seeds this week for a late crop. I put in some cabbage but I have no idea how that will do, and some radishes and other stuff. We'll see what it does.


"You want to go where?"