Hey folks,

Im seeking some advice on trekking poles. Ive always been a one staff backpacker, using an old aluminum ski pole that worked great. After talking with some older hikers who cant say enough good things about trekking poles, Im thinking of making the switch. Since this is something new to me, my questions are pretty basic.

1. What are the things to look for in a good set of trekking poles?

2. What are some pros/cons of the two pole system?

3. How much money is a reasonable amount to spend on poles?

4. What are some recommended types that ya'll enjoy using?

I've done some online research already and I have a decent idea of what I need but I wanted to consult ya'll to avoid the marketing hype and other things that come with online reviews. Thanks for your help. thanks

Climb the Mountains and get their good tidings...
-John Muir