Originally Posted By Glenn
So, what does it mean to be a backpacker? Do I need to turn in my boots and slink off in shame?

Naw, I'd backpack with you anytime.

Personally, I think the only real requirement is enjoying being out there. I've put a little bit of effort into learning more about the flora and fauna over the years, but I'm not near proficient enough to speak with authority about any of it, and like you, I've got a lot of claims on my time, so I won't ever become an authority on those subjects.

I hardly ever hike on trails, I try to avoid them, but I don't think that makes me more of a backpacker, it's just the way I enjoy going. I have no desire to thru hike, but certainly those that do are real backpackers.

Those that are not backpackers, in my view anyway, are those that really do not enjoy being out there, and I've been with a few who found that out while they were with me. And those who go only to get blithering drunk, and I've found that out about a few people who I would have never have expected it from.

I'm a little put off by people who are armed with guns when they backpack. They always justify bringing them, but their reasons don't match my experience so I'd really rather they didn't, but I don't think they've disqualified themselves for it. I do think they tend to fantasize though, because I've never known or even heard of anyone ever needing one, but I also realize that they really enjoy carrying them, and most of those I've known that did, did so with great care and caution, so I don't worry about it, unless I see a liquor bottle in their hand.

a sense of perfect peace, just existing, just belonging

Yeah, if that's what you find when you're out there, you're a real backpacker. No doubt about it in my book.

"You want to go where?"