even if it's a 2 hour hike I prep for overnight

I've come to the point where I do this for almost any day hike I take, even if it's on a popular trail. For example, today I was day hiking on what is normally a very popular trail, and I met the usual hordes of people on the first two miles. For the next eight miles I met not one soul. The final mile was back to business as usual: hordes.

If I'd got myself in trouble expecting someone to appear in ten minutes and save me, I'd have been very disappointed over those eight miles. The good thing was I has enough in my pack to emergency bivy overnight if I'd had to, along with a flashlight capable of letting me creep out in the dark, if I were still able to self-rescue. Lastly, I had the PLB with me and could have pushed the big red button, if need be.

Of course, nothing bad happened. Though I'm not sad about that. grin