I think survival courses are a good idea for the most part. Some survival shows I have seen exaggerate the risk by eliminating items that any camper would have; if they don't, they probably don't have survival skills anyway.

For me, survival skill #1 is have what you need. Granted you could lose everything--falling and losing your pack for example, so carrying a few essentials separately on your body would be a start (knife, matches, small light or headlamp for example).
#2 would be know where you are--not just geography, but expected weather. You'd be surprised how often we read about people caught in storms and come to find out they never checked the forecast before heading out.
#3 would be letting someone know where you plan to go and when to expect you back. No one is going to come looking for you if they don't know you are missing.

I'm sure this list could be a lot longer, but that's the very basics I can think of at the moment.
Don't get me started, you know how I get.