I think I may have left a couple of misunderstandings in my earlier posts. First, my talk of long days and 20 mile days may have suggested all my days are big miles. Not so. My actual average was about 10 miles a day or just a bit more. I did do 26 one day, but that involved a mistake. I like the woods too much to go tearing off through them.

Secondly, yes I do survive very nicely on a pound of food and fuel a day (all I can get down), but I too am very concerned about nutrition. I think you have to be when you're out six months. I tend to add a few things here and there (like olive oil to dinner, and cashews in my oatmeal) to get it up. I try to average about 26 to 28 hundred calories a day, and make sure I get a reasonable amount of protein and other nutrients, including adding protein powder to oatmeal and other dishes.

Also, I try to schedule a resupply stop about every week so I'm not carrying too much food (but like all thru hikers, I will pig out on the salad bar, and have a couple of beers while I'm at it.

Hope that clears up some things.

best, jcp