Welcome. I am a lifetime Oregon resident and I commend you on your perceptive choice of my native state for your visit. Those pictures do not lie. We have some very beautiful places here. A month is, of course, not nearly long enough to see everything worth seeing.

I'm glad you are doing a ton of research. Pre-planning never hurts a backpack trip. It will reduce the chances of mishaps, wasted time and effort.

When I graduated high school in 1972 (at age 17) I did a 25 day wilderness hike with two friends, but I was familiar with Oregon, had hiked and camped here since age 6, and had a couple of years of backpacking experience under my belt by then.

Before launching into advice, I have a variety of questions about your upcoming trip.

How do you plan to get from one place to another? Will you have a vehicle at your disposal? This will make a huge difference in how you put together an itinerary. It is a big state.

You say you have never backpacked, but have you done much camping or hiking? Your experience level will affect much of the advice you get. Jumping from little or no hiking or camping experience to solo wilderness hiking in a wholly unfamiliar territory is a rather far leap. (I'm sure that is why you chose it: because it's a Very Big Adventure.)

Do feel free to ask many questions here. All of us here love to backpack and most of us have been doing it for many decades. We'll want to see you succeed, but we will want to steer you down an appropriate path to gain that success, if we can. The more we know about you, the easier that will be.

Edit: As a moderator, I am moving this to the Backcountry Beginners forum, as being the most appropriate spot.

Edited by aimless (11/27/11 04:04 PM)