
I know I've missed my own deadline to put in my trip itinerary, but school is on the upturn both with Thanksgiving holiday being next week and end of the semester/finals coming. I'm flying to Europe later this evening, so I'm sure I'll be able to nail down my full trip outline. I'm glad to hear that you are still interested in coming out. That'll be fun!

I do know that I will be starting from the Mexican border and stopping at Oracle, a total of 204 miles. That would mean an average of 10 miles a day with 3 rest days, and 1 day for cushion. My first day of hiking will be on December 13th, and last day on January 4th. Starting and ending on those days will give me three days travel time each way.

Gaiters are a must for me. They're part of my gear no matter what.
"Brothers. What we do in life, echos in eternity."
-Maximus Decimus Meridius