Originally Posted By lori
You'd be surprised how many people are killed or injured by lightning. Pick up a copy of Shattered Air at the library for a handful of examples.

Yeah, lightning scares me. I've seen where it blew huge pieces out of a hardwood tree that flew for 60 ft and then stuck deep in the ground like a giant spear.

I'd have to agree that trekking poles won't attract lightning to you, or at least not enough to be concerned about that. On the other hand, if you do get smacked by a bolt it might be possible that a metal or carbon pole would cause more damage to you than wood or bamboo.

That could probably be evaluated by looking at injuries caused on golf courses. If their hands are burned from holding onto clubs, the severity might be related to the material the club is made of.

On yet another hand, a trekking pole might provide better path to ground and use it instead of you. That'd be a bonus!

I know for sure I don't like being out when lightning starts cracking off near me, and there isn't anyplace to hide in the forest that is good.

"You want to go where?"