Originally Posted By OldScout
Glenn, I had the same reaction. I was thinking "who the he** are you to issue a challenge to "everyone" on this board." With his "challenge" and constant reminders that we are not fulfulling his request for additional stories, even though he started out with his own story, leads me to believe that we, as a hiking community who respond to this site, are not meeting his personal needs and he is frustated.

Not to mention "you win." There is no contest involved, only discussion and opinion, but it's a win/lose?

One of the things I consistently remind my hiking group is that we all have different goals and no single goal is any less valid than any other - we simply need to consider the hike, the goal involved in the outing, and decide if it's within our limits or not. That's something anyone can do with anyone they think they want to hike with - what's the goal? Not to mention what to do if someone gets hurt, lost, etc. Preplanning decreases panic - not toughness.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
