I'm just starting to get more trips in again.

My biggest problem over the past few years has been all the claims on my time. Birthdays, weddings, graduations, holidays and other get togethers had started consuming more and more of it. Over most of the past 3 years it was all of it.

At the beginning of last Autumn, when I realized I would not get one trip in, I put a stop to it. I respectfully declined all invitations to any and all future events. My wife had so many things still planned that it took until January before I could actually call any of my time my own, but I did get three nice trips in before the end of March.

As far as miles go, I never really cared about hiking a minimum number of them, so I still hike as far as I would have when I was younger, but that generally hasn't ever been very far.

"You want to go where?"