I am about 300 pages into "Walkin on The Happy Side Of Misery"
By JR Model T Tate. I have to say this is excellent reading. The guys sense of humor is great. I highly recomend this book, I read over two hundred pages the first day!
Incidently, on my recent Smokies trip I met a tru Hiker at Silers shelter at Lunch. He also used the trail name Model T . He ate lunch and I spoke with him brefly. Before returning Home my son and I stayed a night at The Grand Prix in Gatlinburg. This was on Friday April 8. Model T was there and we talked again , he was showered and feeling good. I found his journal online when I returned home. Also a post bye his daughter on White Blaze.net On Mon April 11 He was found in his tent at I beleive Davenport Gap. He had Passed away in his sleep! He was age seventy on his first tru hike!
Rest In Peace Model T the second! Incidently he looked very much like pictures of JR Tate!