I thought it would be really neat to collectively put together a blog about what YOU love most about hiking.
I started thinking about it the other day when I was on a semi-routine training hike on a mediocre trail...and stopped in my tracks when I saw these beautiful rays of sun coming down through the clouds close to sunset. I stopped my boyfriend, pointed to the scene, and told him THIS is why I hike. I think nature is beautiful anywhere you go, and it reminds me I don't have to be somewhere classically "scenic" such as mountains, beach, etc to find breathtaking views.
But I know everyone has their own personal reasons as to why they hike, and I think it would be interesting to share.
If you would like to share, then send me a quote, short story, picture, video, anything meaningful to you that you have personally experienced that inspires you to hike (or keep hiking/backpacking)
The blog is http://thisiswhyihike.tumblr.com/
To submit...if you have a tumblr, you can use the submit page on the blog. If you don't have one, you can email me (sweetleaf1189 at gmail dot com) with your photo, story, quote, whatever, as well as the name you would like to go with it, and I will post it for you and credit you.

Please let me know if you have ANY ideas/suggestions for the blog. It's a developing idea and I haven't figured out exactly how it would be best to format it and everything, so if you have any ideas let me know (can just post in this topic).

PS - sorry if this is in the wrong forum, wasn't really sure where to put it.