I recently picked up a copy of W_D's book, Beyond Trails in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming. I took notes and was prepared to get serious about this review, then I thought I should re-read OM's review. I'm glad I did because most of my points are there in her review. But let me just make a few additional points. I love the field guide because it is just packed with information. The trips are summarized into tables and by using the tables you can basically customize your trip. In other words, you can connect up your own set of dots as it were. Also, in the body of a trip discussion you will often find little tidbits of information about that trip. The difficulty ratings for particular spots or areas are clear, well described, and very useful. Lastly, I would also recommend getting the disk with the book. Even though pictures hardly ever do an area justice, the virtual tour is a great way to see what areas you might be interested in visiting.

I have had only my correspondence here with which to "gauge" W_D by; I have never met her. But finding out she was a former NOLS instructor put everything into perspective. She has extensive experience spent in these wild areas and it shows in the writing of this book. Excellent work!