Needle nosed vice grip pliers. Forget the wimpy squirty juicy leatherman tool especially when your life could very likely and possibly be on the line as you are out in the woods and not at home, and thus subject to whatever random and unforseen curveball mother nature throws at you. I also carry a real knife too (Frosts Mora or this year a Gerber gator serrated), that way if I get lost and actually have to survive by slaughtering something because I ran out of gorp I can actualy impale something and not just do its nails while talking it into my CAMPFIRE...yes I said campfire (loudly too) forget that leave no trace philosophy which is not only impractical but absolutely unrealistic ta boot....I am sure mother nature can handle a controlled campfire since she has on occasion lit herself on fire and a couple of cat holes full of POOP, as the animals also seem to POOP in the forest without much anyway this is my first post and I welcome myself