I see that you are interseted in "big Goldens". The Game and Fish have planted Golden in many upper drainages. Lots of time, they swim downstream and interbreed with other species. An area known for Golden is the Dry Creek drainage. Lots of lakes also have the hybrids - Goldbows, etc. Unless you go via the Reservation (logistically difficult) it is a 24 mile walk in to this drainage from Torrey Creek.

The Federal Fish and Wildlife planted Golden in the upper Milky Lakes (Half and Half Lake and the ones above and below). I have never caught a fish in these lakes. The fishery guy told me that he thinks they all have gone downstream into the lower lakes (below Golden Lakes and above Marked Tree Lake). There also are some lakes between "Alpine Lakes" and Alpine Lake - a series of four lakes south of the Brown Cliffs. The fishing is good here - probably some golden. Any of these places you will not find many - they are tough to get to.

Also supposed to be golden in Desolation Valley (Upper East Fork) but I have never caught a fish in these either.

By the way, I am not a good fisherman. So just because I do not catch fish means nothing!