for instance let us talk of only black bears, they have become more dangerous than grizzly;s because of there loss of man fear, there increased numbers and they unlike grizzly' are much more prone to predacious human attacks . the area that i live in is full of both types of bears but the biggest danger is the predaciuos black bear.in fact this area is probally the most dangerous in the world for this reason alone. as populations expand this type of behaviour is showing up in more areas than ever.
We probably have just as many Black bears here as anywhere, 1 for every 2 square miles, and I know they are all the same species, but their behaviour here is very different than in Ontario or Quebec and especially compared to Alberta and British Columbia, from what I've read. I think people need to do as much research from as many sources as they can, but it also needs to be objective, and in the end it needs to be localized. I don't think information sources linked to commercial sites are as objective, and more recent bookstore literature tends to be, well, more sensational than academic material or old library books on the same subject. The Parks Canada and Ontario school stuff is very good. Notably, the Parks Canada stuff for dangerous bear country is very different than the stuff for places like New Brunswick where Black Bears are just as common but less dangerous. I would agree that bear behaviour is subject to change as human activities and encroachment change, even in places like New Brunswick. We have more bear hunting and more ATV traffic and them might change things over time. I would always be cautious with small children, but we need to keep our heads, and we should begin with research that is broad based as well as localized, and more scientic and less commercial.