Pack for SAR

Posted by: raggs

Pack for SAR - 12/17/11 01:02 PM

Howdy All,

My son has joined Search & Rescue and I'm looking for recommendations for a good bushwacking pack so he doesnt destroy my UL pack.

He's using my Granite Gear Vapor Trail for the time being but needs something a little more durable for off trail use.
The size of the Vapor Trail is just right to fit all his gear.
SAR recommended an internal frame, but they had no problem using what he has for now.

Any recomendations?


Posted by: lori

Re: Pack for SAR - 12/17/11 06:10 PM

See what all the other SAR folk in the team are using.

My SAR team, we have a wide array of packs from Gregory to Osprey to Mountainsmith, to specialized packs that cost a bunch, to former/current Army/Marines who just use their military ruck. I would have him keep using the Granite Gear for now. My pack is a 40 liter Gregory.

What he needs is to keep going to trainings and to start accumulating the recommended gear - do not buy anything extra until he has the gear list in hand to inform your purchase. SAR gear can be very similar to backpacking gear, but there are additional items he will need to carry in addition to the tent/sleeping bag and he will also be going to trainings that will increase the gear needs as he goes along if there is a need for water and alpine rescue in the area....

I would start by getting his measurements at an outfitter, so you know what back/hip belt sizing he needs. Then look at 30-50 liter packs without a lot of mesh and loops on the outside of it. In terms of gear, think in terms of less bulk and less weight - the lightest stuff he can get for the "backpacking and camping" part of it will help him in carrying the mission related junk like ropes, helmet, climbing aids, ice axe....

Also have him ask about pro deals - paraprofessionals like SAR volunteers can get some sweeeeeeeet deals.
Posted by: TomD

Re: Pack for SAR - 12/17/11 07:43 PM

MNS (Andi) has a Cilogear Worksack she mentioned a while back (I checked, my memory isn't that good)- might be one like this-

Posted by: raggs

Re: Pack for SAR - 12/18/11 01:06 AM

Lori & Tom, thanks for the replies. Might be an excuse for ME to get a new pack then. (Grin)

I've told him to ask around the group to see what the others are using, he just cant remember the models or didnt write it down. Thats why I asked here.
The pack fits him just fine as he is about my height.
Going off the SAR list of gear I already have the majority of it, as you indicated most of it regular backpacking equipment. The only new gear I bought him were clothes and boots.
He's 15 and enjoys training, and I couldnt be prouder of him for doing it.

Thanks again,

Posted by: oldranger

Re: Pack for SAR - 12/18/11 05:09 AM

Fifteen is a great age to get into SAR. Keep an eye on him; he is going to grow up real fast, like overnight.

Our group would accept trainees at that age, with uniformly excellent results.
Posted by: midnightsun03

Re: Pack for SAR - 12/18/11 06:27 PM

Yes, that is what I have (an older version anyway). It is a very rugged yet light pack that holds an amazing amount and is narrow enough to make bushwhacking not so bad. The torso is adjustable too, so it can easily grow with him. Graham is a proponent of SAR and may still give discounts to SAR team members (I bought mine 5 years ago so I'm not up on his current policies). I found it to be quite comfortable for heavier SAR loads. You should also look at the smaller packs for the 24-hour pack, which is a smaller immediate-response pack with basic survival gear (the big pack is a 72-hour pack with tent etc.).

I'm currently out of SAR since I'm not in AK, but I'm hoping to get back into it in a BIG way once I graduate from school in May 2012.

SAR is an interesting hobby for a 15 year old... that's great he is interested in it... he should be commended!

Posted by: lori

Re: Pack for SAR - 12/18/11 06:37 PM

Wow, 15, all the better to get on those pro deals - he's going to need a new pack in no time. Unless you think he's done growing?

What a great age to get in. He'll have a much easier time than late recruits like me.