
Posted by: billstephenson

Dogs... - 11/08/13 01:07 PM

My dogs apparently knocked my GPS out of my pocket last night when they shook me down for food, and then they spent a good part of the rest of the night chewing on it.

Amazingly, it survived it. It's got teeth scars on it, but the "On/Off" button still works and I had one of those sheets of "Screen Protector" plastic on it and it worked, so the display is fine too.

There's not much you can do to a dog when this kind of thing happens, so I looked up some reasons to help me remember why I have dogs.

Some Dog Facts...

Fact #18 was true for me when I was in 6th grade, though not for the reasons they provide grin (or at least not directly).

This next link, though it's a sad but true story, is worth the read and a interesting bit of Missouri history:

The story of "Old Drum"...
Posted by: jimmyb

Re: Dogs... - 11/08/13 02:21 PM

Yup, #1 dogs can surely comfort you when you're down. I have lived for 30 years now with extremely painful episodes of neurological pain and stomach cramping from nerve damage and when my Indy was around she would always know when I was in pain. She would come to my side and rest her head on the couch beside me. She would look sad as if she knew what was going on. When they say Man-kinds best friend they aren't kidding.

Posted by: ragazzo

Re: Dogs... - 02/05/14 02:46 PM

Great articles. I'm 31 and have always been a dog lover. However, it took me 30 years to finally adopt a dog. I thought about it for many years and put it off due to a couple factors (long commute, apartment complex restrictions, etc.). Last year my father passed away after a long battle with cancer and I was feeling pretty bummed out. I also moved to a complex closer to my office that was pet friendly so I went ahead and adopted a dog. It was probably the best decision that I have made in a long time. Nothing takes my mind off of a long day at work quite like coming home to my furry, four-legged buddy.