Get Golite Shangri-La 5, not BD Megamid.

Posted by: sandia

Get Golite Shangri-La 5, not BD Megamid. - 05/21/12 06:52 PM

I must, in good conscience, correct myself.

The SL5 is currently (May 2012) available at a FAR better price and is almost certainly a more desirable product of similar manufacturing quality.

SL5 is advertised at 90 square feet, vs BD's advertised "useable floor space" of 50.7 square feet.

The BD product, with "nest" insert, costs $540. The SL5, with "nest" insert, is half that price.

Weight differences are fairly trivial.

GL customer service tells me their damnable "nest" covers only 72 square feet, leaving room for a "vestibule," the function of which I dimly understand as desirable.

Am thinking of getting SL5. I much prefer floorless tents for various reasons, but the GF insists that I get a floored unit.

SL5 is, according to Youtube anyway, (barely) large enough to consider adding a jack for woodstove (when NOT using the GdD'd "nest" thing). I've long been (foolishly?) intrigued by the old-fashioned idea of heating a tent with wood in cold weather.