Bolle sunglassas - where can I buy them?

Posted by: Pat-trick

Bolle sunglassas - where can I buy them? - 07/01/09 05:29 PM

Specifically, I want to buy a pair of large face, emerald green lens, polycarbonate lense, 100% UV, that Charles mentions in TLB, at a cost of around $40. I looked and looked and looked.

Actually, it doesn't have to Bolle, it could be any pair of optical-grade sunglasses with the same specs.

Posted by: JimM_PA

Re: Bolle sunglassas - where can I buy them? - 07/01/09 08:41 PM

You might find what you want here:
Posted by: Pat-trick

Re: Bolle sunglassas - where can I buy them? - 07/02/09 10:02 AM

Wow, what a site. I spent 2 hours on it. The Vigilantes look great. I wonder if anyone has used them. The green lenses are for tennis. I don't know what they would be like on the trail, and don't want to spend fifty bucks to find out and be disappointed.

Would I be wise to pick polarized? What about lense color? Anything else?
Posted by: Pat-trick

Re: Bolle sunglassas - where can I buy them? - 07/02/09 05:34 PM

This is a link to the Bolle 2004 pdf catalogue, and in there there are detailed explanations of their many different lense types and colors. Using this, I was able to decide to buy their Kicker Action Sport Nylon frame with TNS Gun lense. It's a good all-around lense. I didn't go polarized, 'cause there's not much glare where I go.

Posted by: vdeal

Re: Bolle sunglassas - where can I buy them? - 08/04/09 10:53 AM

Please give us an update report on how these glasses work for you.