Backpacking light for Boyscouts

Posted by: billstephenson

Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/04/12 12:13 PM

This Video Series on backpacking light for Boyscouts. was posted on the Backpacking Arkansas forums and I thought it might interest some of us here too.

I only watched a few minutes of one of the videos, but based on it they look to be well done.
Posted by: OregonMouse

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/04/12 03:03 PM

I watched several of them last night; they are also posted on (Philip Werner's site).

I really enjoyed the two videos of Grant Siple of Gossamer Gear going through the backpack--even without any money for new gear, they eliminated 10 lbs.! I personally would not have eliminated the rain pants, but I backpack in the PNW and northern Rockies, which are a bit different from Texas and New Mexico! I also disagreed with the final one on budget gear which advocated eliminating hat and gloves; again, it's a lot colder up north!

Otherwise the four videos I watched are excellent and a good guide for beginners in general.
Posted by: finallyME

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/04/12 05:08 PM

Looks like some good instruction.
Posted by: oldranger

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/05/12 08:15 AM

For three season trips in New Mexico, leaving the rain pants behind is perfectly appropriate. You stay drier hiking in shirts and a poncho/rain jacket. Pretty much the same with gloves.
Posted by: Gershon

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/23/12 08:33 AM

The videos are very good. Thanks for posting them.

One thing that wasn't addressed was the clothes she was wearing. Do they have a synthetic option for Scout uniforms now?

Added: One tip I liked was a fish scale. I think I will get one for weighing my whole pack. The bathroom scale has a mind of its own.
Posted by: dzierzak

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/24/12 08:59 AM

Originally Posted By Gershon
The videos are very good. Thanks for posting them.

One thing that wasn't addressed was the clothes she was wearing. Do they have a synthetic option for Scout uniforms now?

Added: One tip I liked was a fish scale. I think I will get one for weighing my whole pack. The bathroom scale has a mind of its own.

Yes, BSA has synthetic options for uniforms. However, no one I know would go backpacking in uniform. There are better options.

Posted by: topshot

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/25/12 08:38 AM

I've mentioned it before, but since it was written with Scouting in mind, my paper should be useful for that audience or those looking to get into lightweight backpacking.
Posted by: JPete

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/25/12 05:14 PM


I read your dissertation all the way through (Given the usual experience with dissertations, I realize I may be the only one besides your thesis supervisor--hell, I had members of my committee who made it obvious at defense that they had not read mine).

I found it pretty good content. I'm surprised. Scouting musta changed a lot (but then so has everything else in the world in the last sixty years.

But what really caught my attention was your reference to the Boys Life series on MYO gear in '49-'50. I made several of those things, and, along with a pillow feather sleeping bag, they were my first real gear.

The tarp tent, especially, was a particular favorite. I found baloon cloth and it was so much lighter than anything anybody else had and it was cozy. It disappeared in a move finally, and ever since I have experimented with paper models, until just this year I found it on the internet. My memory/guesswork turned out to be just about right, but I also realized that I do just as well, easier and lighter with my current (oversize) poncho.

It's still tempting to make one out of cuban and give it a floor plus hiking pole support. Do other people know about this? How did you find it? Another series like it would be a wonderful adventure for a troop, it certainly was for me. I think it was one of the first times I felt like I'd been successful all on my own. It gave me a whole lot of confidence.

How about a used sewing machine and somebody to instruct, plus buying supplies in bulk. You could start with some Ray Jardine patterns. Wow, I want to start tomorrow.

What a way to draw in kids who don't have much money available, especially where parents with little money could help and feel involved and contributing (so often they feel cut out and failing). My granddaughter is program director of a camp/school for "at risk" kids in Little Rock. You should see the parents faces when they are able to directly help their kids to succeed. For some of them, both kids and parents, it's been too long since they've had that experience. A scout troop could do that too.

I've gone on too long. Hope there's something useful,

Posted by: topshot

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/25/12 05:27 PM

Originally Posted By JPete
I read your dissertation all the way through (Given the usual experience with dissertations, I realize I may be the only one besides your thesis supervisor--hell, I had members of my committee who made it obvious at defense that they had not read mine).
This was just for a University of Scouting "degree", but I know the advisor read it. smile I'm impressed you read it all so quickly.

Do other people know about this? How did you find it?
Some Scouters on BPL had mentioned it when asked for reference material. There was a reprint of that series that could be purchased through the early 70s from what I found out.

I wish there was a Sewing MB. I'm actually surprised there isn't because MYOG stuff like this would be perfect. There are a lot of men making some very cool things today.

Unfortunately, my Troop doesn't backpack yet. Ironic I know. But I suspect we'll be starting soon. There's another Scouter who's into sewing packs and I'd like to see us do something like you suggest.
Posted by: OregonMouse

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/25/12 06:19 PM

I read your dissertation earlier, and it's excellent!
Posted by: topshot

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/25/12 06:37 PM

Posted by: JPete

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/25/12 10:34 PM

Topshot, I hope you realize that if you got OM's imprimatuer, that may actually be just as important as the committee. She's a very sharp and thoughtful critic, and I think most of us here (sandia excepted) know that when she speks, we listen. There are certainly a number of others likewise, but she stands out.

My memory may be bad, but I seem to recall that as a souter, you are priviledged to propose a merit badge, except I think I remember that you have to propose all of the standards as well.

Whatever you do I wish you the best. jcp

Oh one thing I missed, you made reference to freezer bag cooking, but I did not notice an actual link to Sarbar's site or book.
Posted by: OregonMouse

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/25/12 10:55 PM

Flattery will get you nowhere!

I'm always on the lookout for good references for beginners. There are always a lot of questions here and on other forums about buying gear on a low budget and about gear for kids.
Posted by: topshot

Re: Backpacking light for Boyscouts - 04/26/12 07:52 AM

Originally Posted By JPete
Oh one thing I missed, you made reference to freezer bag cooking, but I did not notice an actual link to Sarbar's site or book.
Top of page 16 and App B.

I enjoy reading OM's posts as well. smile