Fly-first pitch tents?

Posted by: gorge_medic

Fly-first pitch tents? - 04/24/10 05:07 PM

Jumping on the bandwagon of shelter-related topics lately...can anyone recommend a decently light 1-2P tent that allows the fly to be pitched before the main body? I'd plan to use it mainly for longer trips or trips in areas where rain is more constant than our typical 15-30 minute showers here in the SE. Any input is appreciated.
Posted by: Franco

Re: Fly-first pitch tents? - 04/24/10 08:17 PM

Here is a very biased suggestion..
Tarptent Scarp 1/2
(the 2010 Scarp 2 is the same but wider...)
That is actually an integral pitch (inner and fly together) but you can detach the inner ("tent') if you like.
You could also consider the Double Rainbow (dry set-up) with the optional liner if you are worried about drips from condensation in a single wall shelter.
Here is a very quick video of the DR sans liner. I will do a better video once I get the liner.
This was done very quickly , so ignore the slightly crappy pitch.
Posted by: Glenn

Re: Fly-first pitch tents? - 04/24/10 09:26 PM

MSR Hubba can be pitched fly-first (or fly alone), and the inner can be clipped in after. I've done that.

I don't know if you can do it with the Carbon Reflex 1 because I haven't tried yet. If I get a chance in the next week or so, I'll let you know.
Posted by: dkramalc

Re: Fly-first pitch tents? - 04/25/10 01:25 PM

Check out the Six Moon Designs Haven and Vamp tent and tarp combos. I think both allow fly setup first.
Posted by: Roocketman

Re: Fly-first pitch tents? - 04/29/10 11:37 PM

Tarptents have no "main body" in the sense that the double wall tent does, and the whole thing is up with the fly first because the fly is integral to everything else.
Posted by: Franco

Re: Fly-first pitch tents? - 04/30/10 12:22 AM

The TT Scarp 1 and 2 are double wall shelters.