Here is a quick and easy one with off the shelf foods.

Pick up a Bumble Bee Tai Chili Tuna kit, some Lipton Cup a Soup Spicy Thai Chicken (creamy) souo, and some sort of pasta-ramen/couscous/instant rice.

Save the crackers for a snack later. Heat the water needed for a serving to a serving and a half of your chosen pasta, mix the soup powder with the very hot to boiling water, add to the selected pasta, allow to rehydrate. Use an insulated bowl/bag/pot. Add the tuna after the pasta is "done." I pick out the chili pepper that is on top of the tuna. You may wish to consume it.

To "beef up" nutrition, one might add a tablespoon or so of dehydrated parsley, maybe some dehydrated cooked veggies that have been "flaked" in a food processor at home.
