My night vision is pretty crappy. Might be from all the years I spent welding, or it might be I'm getting old, but it is what it is so I use a headlamp.

I mostly bushwhack, even at night, and I don't really figure there's much difference between night and day besides the light. I still know where I am, but here that's pretty easy if you know the lay of the land. It also helps to have a GPS, but I've never had to use it to figure out how to get someplace. I use it more, if I use it, to show me how to get their faster.

The main thing I do different is slow down. For me, a good headlamp is worth it. I have several and the brighter the better as far as I'm concerned. All of mine are low end.

One of my favorites is a small "Ozark Trails" Wal-Mart light that cost about $7. It's light, small, pretty bright, and last a really long time on 3AAA batteries. ( here's a link to it )

I've also got an incredibly bright, though much bigger and heavier, chinese lamp that uses a couple big rechargeable batteries. It has an adjustable lens that lets you narrow/widen the beam and you can see fine for about 200 feet in a thick forest with that. It's great for doing shorter hikes at night.

"You want to go where?"