Originally Posted By BillgGruff

It is interesting that they require us to carry bear cans to save the bears, but not signaling devices to save people. Our priorities are really messed up! I think that it would make sense to require a signal device and have rental options at permit stations like we do for bear cans here in the Sierra Nevada.

If people weren't stupid and lazy they would all hike their food up a tree w/ rope and take a good long look at a good map before they went anywhere. I wonder how many stupid people would leave camp without caching their food in bear country. And I wonder how many more bear encounters would happen if lazy people just wandered into wilderness areas w/ power bars and cell phones.

Haven't been to Yosemite lately, have you?
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
