My dogs apparently knocked my GPS out of my pocket last night when they shook me down for food, and then they spent a good part of the rest of the night chewing on it.

Amazingly, it survived it. It's got teeth scars on it, but the "On/Off" button still works and I had one of those sheets of "Screen Protector" plastic on it and it worked, so the display is fine too.

There's not much you can do to a dog when this kind of thing happens, so I looked up some reasons to help me remember why I have dogs.

Some Dog Facts...

Fact #18 was true for me when I was in 6th grade, though not for the reasons they provide grin (or at least not directly).

This next link, though it's a sad but true story, is worth the read and a interesting bit of Missouri history:

The story of "Old Drum"...

"You want to go where?"