Originally Posted By phat
Originally Posted By balzaccom

A (female) friend once told me a wonderful story about going backpacking with six other women. One night a couple of young guys were camping at the same lake, and came over to say hello. As they chatted, the two guys kept looking around. Finally, one had to ask:

"So are you women all alone out here?"

I've said it before, I've said it again, I think twenty-something men these days are just plain stupid, in general (please accept my apologies if you aren't, I know there are exceptions).

I've lost track of how many times, on (very lovely) epic hikes I've run into groups of 6 to 9 twenty something women, either on their own, or with one guy, who is looking miserable to be away from his video games the whole time. It's not just canada! I've seen this on South Coast Trek in tasmania, Skyline in Jasper, West Coast Trail in BC, and in Ireland! It's *not* a coincidence!

like. good lord, I had dreams like this in my teens (the reality on the trail at the time was guys in kodiak boots, frame packs and vegreville tuxedos..) now it's *totally different*.

It's rather nice, because at my (not yet old) age I am still considered "safe" - so I can be talked to, asked advice, rousted out of my tent to mcGyver something up to retrieve a camera dropped 4 feet into a pile of logs (all the while the one guy is hiding in his tent).

What the heck is wrong with these guys!

Although in all seriousness, it *sounds* funny, but I'm really actually becoming concerned about the lack of men in the sport. Young men are *not doing this stuff* young women *are*.

If what you say is at all accurate I really have to get my stuff back together ASAP...