"For example, some people don't like water with a lot of "glacial silt" in it. and if there is a lot of it it can irritate the bowels. For that you might want a filter, (but warning, I've seen glacial silt clog up more filters..) Some people don't like brown looking water with tannins in it. For that you might need to charcoal filter or god knows whatever other mini backcountry water treatment plant. Me, I just drink it.."

Completely agree with all of the above. If particulates are significant enough that I don't want to drink them (heck, if I even notice them), they're likely to clog a filter --- and in my limited experience at filter clogging, it can happen at a darned inconvenient, uncomfortable time. If it's that bad, filter it out with a bandana, then chemically treat if you're inclined. But if there's that much silt in it, I generally find such situations to be those where I don't bother filtering as the source is generally pretty close!

Tannins --- just think of it as drinking tea. Never a problem, doesn't have any impact that I've seen, except perhaps psychologically. Sometimes it's kind of fun when your water has a little 'character'.
Brian Lewis