On my 8 day, 80 mile bp trip into Sequoia NP here in CA last week, the first three nights out, I had a urgent need to relieve myself. The first two nights I HAD to get up at around midnight or by 2:00AM, put a vest and shoes on and walk a few feet out and go. Shaking violently after a short bit from the chill. What the heck was going on? I'm almost 58 and age thing now? I hardly ever have to do this. I thought I drank enough water during my hike during the day, was I drinking too much water, or had my kidneys shut down temporarily? I did not drink a ton of water after reaching camp or for dinner, just normal amounts for dinner etc., maybe more water during the day as in the past, it seems I never drink enough. The third night, I did bring my clothes washing bleach bottom bucket into my shelter with me to save getting all the way up.
