I love that story about "Thish-ere Smiley"! That joke has the longest punch line ever written laugh

I also love "Roughing It". The second time I read that I got a little pissed at MT for making jokes about the "Goshoot Indians". I thought, that may have been funny back in his day, but it's both racist and derogatory, and not at all in line with his observations on people in general. Twain hardly ever poked fun or criticized in that manner. Then, a few years later, I found out there really was a tribe called the "Goshoot Indians", and that they were sort of mean, filthy, and nasty, and that he wrote about what he observed. In that new light, I had to admit, it was pretty funny wink

"Joan of Arc", and "A Connecticut Yankee" are two of my favorite books by MT. They're both funny, and tragic, at the same time, and great portraits of human behavior.

"You want to go where?"