I bump this up (or is it down?) another notch. Now, I may change the plan for a longer hike without access to my own self-resupplying. For years, I've put together little bags of cooked and dehydrated one-pot main dishes, to which I add hot water and eat from the bag after it has had time to sit and rehydrate. I have a little pot that is used to heat water and maybe as a cup for tea or coffee. It basically stays clean. I lick off my spoon, rinse, and sanitize it once a day in my hot water. Once in a while I will have a hot breakfast, but generally, I have one hot meal per day in summer and get by with half of an Esbit per day. Water does not need to actually boil, just get steaming hot. I might even get a fairly hot cup of tea with supper from that same Esbit half. The bags I've been using are washed and sanitized mylar snack bags. Super light, and more vapor reand puncture resistant than plastic bags. If I had a longer walk between supply points (usually mine or a partner's car) 3 or 4 days apart, I might need to plan differently.