Wow, great video! Thanks you SO much! I tried to find a video online to no avail before this! It really makes it look simple. If I had a video of MY initial 30 minute fiasco, of my first time setting the Lighthouse up, it would have been like the Three Stooges attempt to go lightweight camping! ; )

I can see the main reason I had problems - the staking. Without staking, getting that first pole in is very hard (at least was to me!) due to the lightweight of everything just bunching up in all directions...with staking the floor first (or do at least one like you said) I can see how it should be much easier. I'm sure even without stakes though I could figure it out eventually...

I just got done seam sealing the tent, and yeah, it's a sucky job, but gotta be done. I did the thing in just under an hour and a half - as I set the thing up in a non air conditioned room inside, it was a very hot sweaty humid job!

I actually intended on buying one of the new Hilights with the brand new fancy shmantcy nano stuff......but.....I believe they actually shrunk this 2010 Hilight a little? It was just too tight for my needs...As I need a tent for myself and two large dogs, the Lighthouse just barely fits my needs,......I am wondering why Black Diamond did not re-vamp the Lighthouse with the Nano fabric? Maybe it just added too much weight?

Although the Lighthouse IS light (around 3.5 lbs pack weight), I am gonna miss my half that weight Contrail - BUT....don't ever try to get a couple of big hairy mutts to sleep outside under a tree.. and then expect to be comfortable in a Contrail when a thunderstorm hits, and they come a running inside to join you... - trust me on this one. ; )