You make an excellent point, but I think some people are "morally outraged" because of the existence of overpriced, over built, essentially frivolous and useless gear that is all too readily available. Of course, precisely which item/gadget fits in that category is a subject of lively debate.

I have always felt that it is critical to spend whatever is necessary for the three "B"s - boots, bag (sleeping), backpack. Not necessarily a lot of money, but whatever is required to get suitable gear. Suitable gear is usually durable and will serve for many years, making for memorable trips. Once you get beyond the basics, you can save and economize in many ways - I have cooked many a meal in my coffee can over an open campfire. This is fine for most outdoors situations, although it won't work at Camp VI in the Himalayas.

We all buy (me, especially)over the top gear that is heavily marketed. Usually cheaper items that are just as satisfactory exist. Again, my frivolous may not be your frivolous.