I carry my food in either baggies or folded paper packets. I rehydrate in a 3-cup Ziplock snap-top storage container (1.1 oz) with a fitted cozy rather than in a freezer bag. One freezer bag weighs about 1/3 oz; a baggie weighs about 0.06 oz. I can pack many meals in baggies for the weight of one freezer bag and three freezer bags weigh about the same as my 3-cup container. To clean the container I just put about a quarter cup of water w/ a drop of camp suds in, snap the lid, shake, empty the wash water out responsibly and then rinse. I like the rigid walls of the storage container better than I do the flexible freezer bag. I also like not having to carry dirty freezer bags in my garbage, especially on longer trips.
May I walk in beauty.