Remeber our memeber Polarpark from Komi republic of Russia. She writes me again and sends a photo.

Hello Jim.
I'm planning to adjoin "winter camping" forum later.
Our winter this year is colder than usual more than 16 degrees. Sergei went to the mountain in December by snowmobile and couldn't return thanks to 53 degrees frost. He wanted to spend 5 dayes, really he was there 13 dayes. All this time he slept near warm stove into the tent and regreted about our dog, leaved at home, no one
warmed his another side. On birth of Christ holiday Sergei had prohibition Naroda (the highest top of Ural mountain) tour. Now we have pictures of polar night.
I didn't understand what is "Christmas tree ornament"?
(I told her I will send her some homemade Christmas tree ornaments. I am hoping to trade for dog fur socks smile )

Edited by Jimshaw (01/22/10 04:27 PM)
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.