Originally Posted By Jimshaw

If your wife carries the baby you would need to carry gear for three. If there is a "situation" you would have a kid too young to fend for themselves or even tell you they are too cold. Maybe car camping the first time would be better. You can then make as many trips to the car as you need for warm gear. Would your child sleep in a sleeping bag with an adult? If he didn't, how would you keep him in a sleeping bag? Sleeping in a hooded sleeping bag is not for someone who could suffocate. I think maybe a NO, in the interest of the babies safety.

Very good point. I was just curious if anyone had brought young children on winter trips, and we never did do any winter camping with her. I will be getting a babysitter if we do decide to do any winter trips next year. She loves summer trips, and she has been car camping as well as packed in on overnight hiking trips. She's only two, but she loves camping. She's been telling us she wants to go camping all winter. We just tell her it's too cold, and we have to wait till summer.