I think that I located a can of the proper size for the wood-burning stove. Not full of anything that I really like, though, so I'm going to keep looking. If I can't find anything else, I'll be eating canned grapefruit (I like grapefruit, just not canned).

I did find some milk cans last night at the store, but I'm going to keep looking to see if there's something else that I would prefer (can contents, not the can itself). There was an interesting can containing a minced beef and onion pie (think pot pie with beef and onion inside). It's about the size of a small skillet (minus the handle, of course), and about an inch tall. I'm going to try one of the pies (they look good, or at least the steak and mushroom one does) and give the pan a test. Get a couple of them and I can use one for a pan and one for a lid.

Saw a sheet of plastic in the dumpster by the construction on campus. I'm going to head back by after school today and see if it might work for a tarp of some sort.
More adventure in your life today.