High Altitude Research Subjects Needed-UC Davis!

Posted by: Kinch

High Altitude Research Subjects Needed-UC Davis! - 03/01/10 05:42 PM

Graduate student is looking for males who have had a history of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) to participate in a research study at UC Davis. Subjects are really needed!!!! Participants receive a free VO2 max test and body composition. Travel compensation may be available. For more information please contact Jenni Figueroa: jkinch@ucdavis.edu
Posted by: Rick_D

Re: High Altitude Research Subjects Needed-UC Davis! - 03/01/10 06:35 PM

Hi Jenni,

Have you contacted the area REI stores about posting your announcement? They might be a good place to get the word out. Perhaps the Sierra Club as well. If you could somehow get the Oenology Department to cosponsor I could foresee a big response. smile

I've luckily never had HAPE symptoms (famous last words).

Good luck!
