Separate beginners and returnees forum?

Posted by: Jimshaw

Separate beginners and returnees forum? - 05/15/09 12:09 AM

I have observed that a lot of the "newbies" posting here, and that term is relative to being new here, not necessarily to one's level of experience, and not all are new at all, but are returnees to backpacking after a lot of time has passed.

Anyway the actual beginners here are trying to learn from respected mentors because they are smart enough to realise that they don't know enough to stay alive in the woods by their own wits, at least currently. They don't even know what they don't know yet.

Another bunch is looking at light weight camping and wondering if its for them and wanting to know what others more experienced have found. They have some experience, are often young and into trying new modern things, and they are becoming gear heads.

BUT, another very large group is the returning backpacker. These guys have some experience, own some gear that may be bomb proof, boots maybe, probably a pack stove and tent. This group needs to figure out how to use the gear they have, leave out what they don't need, and decide what new gear they want or need.

We often go through long theoretical gear lists for people with next to nothing, who are starting from scratch. The returnee needs articles on how to use the gear he has, what to leave out, how to go lighter without spending much.

just a thought, guess I need to go camping. Hey Mt bachelor closes its annual season on Sunday with the pond skimming contest, and no I do not skim ponds full of ice water. The day before is the biggest race around Bend, its the Pole, peddle, paddle. You cross country ski up at Mt Bachelor, bike down to town 20 miles (past our house where I ring my cowbell), run up the trail on the other side of the road and back, and then paddle down the Deschutes to cross the finish line.

Posted by: OregonMouse

Re: Separate beginners and returnees forum? - 05/15/09 12:00 PM

A few questions: Can't beginners learn something from our advice to returnees? And vice versa? And what about those who don't tell us much of anything about their status? My advice to both groups is quite similar, especially that of practicing with their new gear in their backyards or while car-camping!

I've also noted that a number of returnees wanting to replace heavy gear post in the Lightweight Gear section, which is fine!

We also get those beginners who have already started buying heavy gear (generally due to poor advice from REI or, worse yet, one of the low-end chain stores) and might want to return some of it. And they inevitably have bought an enormous 7-pound pack first!

It looks as though the Pacific Northwest is going to have a lot of melting this weekend, with freezing levels rising to as much as 13,000 feet and Portland temps into the mid-80's by Sunday. I'll be on the beach with my grandkids! I need to get out camping, too. The class I teach on Wednesdays has its last session next week, so I'm hoping to get out for an overnighter right after Memorial Day weekend.
Posted by: DTape

Re: Separate beginners and returnees forum? - 05/15/09 02:32 PM

I suppose the question for me would "beginner at what". There are many types of beginners. The beginner backpacker, the beginner hiker, the beginner camper, the beginner lite-weight backpacker, the beginner camp chef, the beginner over-40-backpacker, etc... I suppose other sections are more appropriate for specific questions... lightweight gear, or cooking for example but an in general beginner section seems to encompass all types of beginners and their respective needs.
Posted by: thecook

Re: Separate beginners and returnees forum? - 05/15/09 03:41 PM

I'm hardly a beginner at backpacking after 29 years. I'm definately not a beginner at lightweight backpacking. I only weighed 125lbs in college and I simply couldn't carry those 60lbs loads very far so I HAD to find ways to lighten up from the very beginning. Yet, I still find interesting things to think about in all areas of this forum including the beginner section. Why divide people? Aren't we all here to share our enjoyment of backpacking and help others to enjoy it too?
Posted by: Jimshaw

Re: Separate beginners and returnees forum? - 05/15/09 09:14 PM

Well you all make good points, I was askin smile
We all have something to learn.
We try to be especially PC, LNT, etc etc, carry the ten essentials, etc with the beginners, while a lot of people seeking information, who are beginners at something, are not babes that need the gentle informative best practices start.

People who are returning may have a great deal of outdoor experience, enough that they are ok on their own, and may be more interested in how we ACTUALLY camp, vs the BS we feed beginners, pardon me.
I wouldn't suggest to beginners that they even try UL for instance, whereas I may suggest to a more experienced BPer that they should really look at their first aid, repair kit, extra stuff, etc and consider leaving most of it at home relying on their experience over heavy equipment.
Posted by: thecook

Re: Separate beginners and returnees forum? - 05/15/09 10:51 PM

You make good points, Jim, but don't we all base all our answers on what we think the experience and desires of the OP are? For an extreme example, I certainly wouldn't point someone in the direction of my Minnesota winter gear if he/she were going camping in Florida nor visa versa.