Groin irritation / rash

Posted by: malsal

Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 01:06 AM

I suffer from a rash in the groin especially when it's a hard walk and hot. It rubbs in the joins and can be bloody sore. I've tried bigger undies etc. Any body have any ideas on how to prevent or cure?
Posted by: GrumpyGord

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 03:27 AM

Corn starch works best for me.
Posted by: leadfoot

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 04:58 AM

Body Glide or Hydropel.

I've started using Body Glide on my feet and it works wonders, especially when my feet get hot.

I'm sure it will be good for your troubled areas as well.
Posted by: Mattress

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 08:00 AM

Shae Butter products applied regularly, there's also "bag balm" and other such products. I find going commando makes a big difference too, but that's not for everyone.

The rash is probably from the irritation getting infected, so make sure to keep the area clean, nothing wrong with a quick bath (dundo shower, whatever) on the trail every night.
Posted by: finallyME

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 08:50 AM

This had been (and still is, if not thought of in advance and preventative measures taken) an issue for me, especially when I lived in San Antonio with the hot+ very humid weather. A friend of mine suggested petroleum jelly. It keeps the water away from your skin, and keeps your skin moist with no friction. I should add that PJ is for men only in those regions. It is oil based, and I am sure women know why they shouldn't use it. If out camping, I will use a wet towel or baby wipe to clean in the morning, then apply the PJ to known chaffing areas. It usually lasts all day through some heavy sweating work-outside days. When utilizing the bathroom, I use baby-wipes to clean, and then apply a little PJ after. Before PJ, if I went impromptu swimming and didn't shower with soap afterwards, I would get a bad rash very quickly. I guess the water dried out my skin and then the friction caused the rash. PJ solved this problem exceptionally well. Now, I never go to the woods without baby wipes and PJ, in small containers ofcourse. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: phat

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 09:43 AM

I find a few things help me immensely in this area:

1) Body glide or petroleum jelly - I actually carry petroleum jelly based polysporin ointment
in my ditty bag, and so if I do have issues I ususally end up using that.

2) Good polypro underwear or tights with short legs - If I wear loose boxers or tighty whiteys
I find my bare thighs rubbing just under my groin get bad - if I wear nice supportive tights, or
polypro underwear (I usually wear the MEC polypro brand) that actually ends up with
materiel between there, I don't chafe up in the first place.

3) Keep everything clean. A good wash at the end of a hot day helps immensely - I carry
a few baby wipes to do this after a number 2.
Posted by: BarryP

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 02:06 PM

To me, this is where 50% cotton feels nice. I wear tight boxers that gives plenty of support and this totally eliminates chafing.

Good luck <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: BpackerDon

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/21/08 09:54 PM

I have heard good things from the Philmont scouts about Boudreaux's Butt Paste.

Have not personally tried it.

Posted by: malsal

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/22/08 03:11 AM

Thank you all. I do all the things you have mentioned. Guess I was looking for a miracle cure. thanks again.
Posted by: Earthling

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/22/08 06:08 PM

The 'miracle cure' hails from right in your's called Tea Tree Oil. Put a bit on a clean cloth and give yer'self a wipe in the morning, and evening. Should get rid of the problem of the rash.
Posted by: byrdman

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/24/08 08:15 PM

Everyone seems to be treating this as "abrasion:" related. I suggest that you look at a possible fungal souce. Skin yeasts can really go to town in/on skin that has been abraded or chafed. Yeasts and other fungals exist everywhere and love hot damp dark places.
Another source may be the detergent you use--I was told that the surficants, dyes//perfumes in many dtergents cause half the skin problems dermatologists see. My grandson at age 1.5 had a rash that looked like a cross between leprosy and the mange. A change of detergents to a "free" product cleared it up within 1 week. ( It cost quite a few $$$ to get that advice from the Dr.but was worth many times the price!))
Another possibility is fabric softeners in your laundry. They coat the fibers making them less absorbant and prevent them wicking moisture away from the skin.. Many also contain the same dyes/perfumes/etc as above.

All in all a good antifungal and some absorbant powder (Mexana?)(or a combination product) might be a good place to start IMHO.

YMMV- it just works for me/us.
Posted by: scottyb

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/28/08 08:54 PM

While hunting in Colorado, I found lanolin baby wipes to be handy, when chafing occurs. I carried 1/2 dozen of so in a ziplock bag.
Posted by: just_another_Joe

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/28/08 08:58 PM

Experiment with changing your diet to more vegetables and complex carbs, instead of sweets. I love the sweets but they seem to help rashes grow.
Posted by: Earthling

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/30/08 09:25 AM

Everyone seems to be treating this as "abrasion:" related. I suggest that you look at a possible fungal souce. Skin yeasts can really go to town in/on skin that has been abraded or chafed. Yeasts and other fungals exist everywhere and love hot damp dark places.
Another source may be the detergent you use--I was told that the surficants, dyes//perfumes in many dtergents cause half the skin problems dermatologists see. My grandson at age 1.5 had a rash that looked like a cross between leprosy and the mange. A change of detergents to a "free" product cleared it up within 1 week. ( It cost quite a few $$$ to get that advice from the Dr.but was worth many times the price!))
Another possibility is fabric softeners in your laundry. They coat the fibers making them less absorbant and prevent them wicking moisture away from the skin.. Many also contain the same dyes/perfumes/etc as above.

All in all a good antifungal and some absorbant powder (Mexana?)(or a combination product) might be a good place to start IMHO.

YMMV- it just works for me/us.

Everyone but me that is..... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: NiytOwl

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 06/05/08 10:37 AM

I own two pairs of polyester/lycra boxer briefs that are what I use on hikes. They fit like a glove and prevent this sort of irritation by being very slick.

The lightest solution is pantyhose. Cut off the legs if you feel your manhood is threatened, but the nylon will minimize friction without impeding sweating. Does the same thing as biker shorts for 1/4 of the weight. I also hear a girdle without the stays will also do the job, but I've never tried that. The guy that told me about it used to get blisters on his hips from the hip belt as well as the inner-thigh irritation, so it solved both problems for him.

You're getting the rash because your clothes are rubbing against some relatively delicate skin. You want a form-fitting garment to minimize that.
Posted by: malsal

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 06/05/08 04:07 PM

I would probably get to excited wearing pantyhose and have more problems than a rash.

I have been using a powder called Prantal its fantastic, this has cleared up the rash. Now I wipe a smear of petrolum jelly in the groin before any long walks and wear what we refer to as concreters undies, they are dark blue cotton Y fronts in a larger size than required. So far so good.
We are off on a backpacking trip for a week later in the month there will be a few river crossing etc, so I see how I go.
Posted by: Earthling

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 06/15/08 09:34 PM

<img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />fer 'ya groin eh Nitey <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted by: jwild

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/08/11 01:17 AM

I have found that tea tree oil works wonders for most skin related problems. Be careful though it can burn if its on really sensitive skin so you might want to dilute it. I like the burn though, it feels like its working shocked
Posted by: jwild

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/08/11 01:22 AM

Originally Posted By just_another_Joe
Experiment with changing your diet to more vegetables and complex carbs, instead of sweets. I love the sweets but they seem to help rashes grow.
VERY TRUE! Ive had this discussion with several people and a nutritionist. If you cut sugar completely out of the equation monkey butt, chaffing, jock itch/athletes foot/foot funk, errr whatever disappears. These types of things feed on sugar, its like fuel for them. Regarding chaffing, it happens most often from the "funk" down there that is fed by sugar.
Posted by: Steadman

Re: Groin irritation / rash - 05/08/11 01:19 PM


Recommend you keep an eye on it, and wash all your underwear/baselayers in HOT water.

Keeping it dry sounds like it helped, though. Good luck...