Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies!

Posted by: herrje

Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/04/11 09:38 AM

Hello everyone!

I'm currently in the mid-planning stages of an expedition going out this summer to an arid region in the Horn of Africa and have been trying to research shelter options.

Few factors:

- Temp will reach around 45 celsius during the day time

- But it will be towards the middle of the rainy season, too

- Malarial risk

- Fairly windy

- Upon reaching our base location, we'll be pitched for about 2-3 weeks

To me this seems like a rather tricky setup, then!

I wanted to ask what you guys might recommend as a good shelter system to best handle the above factors?

Researching last night, I got the impression that perhaps a Kelty Noah 16 combined with individual Integral Design Bugabivy bags underneath might do the job? On the other hand, might we not better go for individual Noah 9s or 12s each around a fire (sensible distance .. !) with the female expedition member in something like an Outdoor Research Light Haven with BugaBivy bags underneath?

Interested to hear all opinions, including ones that scrap all my suggestions above!!

EDIT: Also, any sleeping back recommendations would be top, thanks!


Posted by: oldranger

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/04/11 11:14 AM

Sounds interesting! How will you reach base camp? If you are not backpacking in to base, I would disregard weight considerations, and get a tough, stout,tent with good mosquito-proofing and netting.

I have lots of desert experience, but fortunately in non malarial regions.
Posted by: herrje

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/04/11 11:42 AM

Thanks for the reply!

We'll be going by camel for about a week/10 days to the base camp. Any particular recommendations for a suitable tent?
Posted by: lori

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/04/11 11:57 AM

If it is also going to be hot and sunny, and since there is no weight restriction, I would add a tyvek tarp to the setup, since nylon will be no real shade provider - it gets very hot even under an open nylon tarp. Tyvek won't be ideal rain protection but will reflect sun and provide shade.

Posted by: ringtail

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/04/11 12:27 PM

+1 on the TYVEK tarp. That is all I use to hike the Grand Canyon.
Posted by: frediver

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/04/11 03:39 PM

For real shade/cooling you need 2 roofs with min of 12" between to provide a convection air current between the two. Put your favorite flavor of tent under this shelter. I would select
a tent over bivi bag.
Posted by: oldranger

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/04/11 08:24 PM

Just a couple of comments. I have equipped working groups with tents for extended trips, although not in any locales nearly as exotic as yours. First, what is in use in that area, either by the locals or by other groups? Their experience would certainly be useful.

Secondly, I would buy a tent that will assure each expedition member privacy for the trip. That will really help overall group morale and productivity. Get something that can take the wind, obviously.

I have no experience in Africa, southwestern deserts only, but I'll bet the temperatures take a dip during the night and can be quite cool during the early morning. I would suspect that very little time will be spent in the tents during the hotter daylight hours (this depends upon your work schedule and objectives, obviously). Along with private space you need communal space - typically, the dining/work area. Here I would imagine you definitely want things breezy and airy.

Nice that weight need not be a dominating factor. Good sleeping accommodations are second only to food in assuring expedition success. Can you tell us about your work? - certainly sounds interesting and good luck with the malaria.
Posted by: herrje

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/05/11 04:19 AM

Thanks for all your help, guys!

It sounds like a Tyvek roof with a Kelty Noah 16, perhaps, underneath and two tents will do just the job.

Here's a pic below of what the locals live in:

We're going out to the Afar region of Ethiopia to an Afar community to document nomadic pastoral lifestyle in light of climate change and urbanisation pressures. Having set up the base camp, we'll spend most of the days in the field and then come back towards the evening to make use of communal expedition space before returning to our tents.

I suppose, then, we'd use the tents for the initial hike to establish base camp and then set up the tarps and Tyvek covers over that.

Sorry to be a bore but might you have any specific suggestions for an appropriate tent? Almost all of my expedition experience is in mountainous regions and though there will be a couple of locals on the expedition, I'm trying to get as familiar as I can with the environment! On that note, are there any desert-specific resources/books out there you might recommend to give a brief taster on desert travel/field work? Have scoured the net myself and found one or two but nothing too substantial!

Thanks again!

Here's a better picture of one constructed in someone's garden:

Posted by: Franco

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/05/11 06:43 AM

depending on just how much space you need , you could take a look at the Tarptent Sublite . (1 person shelter...)

That is made with cloth type Tyvek so it breathes well , offers good sun protection and it can handle moderate rain too. (not storms...)
Works well with trekking poles (135cm and longer) but you can also get dedicated 5oz poles.
In the sun the temperature inside it is the same as the temp in full shade .
BTW, works really well in humid areas too.
Posted by: oldranger

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/05/11 11:08 AM

I would follow the local style and get a freestanding dome that is nominally for two or even three occupants. Everyone has their own tent and will appreciate the extra space over the course of your expedition.

I would check with potential sellers and see if they would consider any sort of discount, perhaps in return for an endorsement. REI offers commercial terms,I believe.

The Kelty Salida looks good - attractive price, roomy, and backpackable, if necessary, although not ultralight. Kelty is an established company with a good reputation. There are lots of other good options in this category.

Get an extra pole set while you are at it and stock lots of line. It will come in handy. Perhaps even some straight aluminum poles for impromptu rigging of the tarps, as well as a few stakes, although those can probably be improvised in the field.

I understand the rainy season is somewhat cooler- I couldn't find anything about the minimum temps, but they would be crucial for the proper sleeping bags.

For bags, I would select synthetic fill, mummy or semi-rectangular of the proper temperature rating. I wouldn't go ultralight for this application, but get something reasonably light - three pounds or so, so that they could be backpacked if necessary.

If possible, I would consult with the expedition members and incorporate their preferences - that is likely to payoff in the end.

Need anyone to search for old fossils? Being one myself, I know just what to look for.....
Posted by: JPete

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/05/11 12:22 PM


I have no experience in N. Africa, but do have experience in the Rhub Al Khali ("The Empty Quarter"). Most of this is in Saudi, but I was in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Suspect desert conditions would be somewhat similar.

First thing, the nights got really, really cold (minus ten or fifteen c), so I would not scrimp on sleeping gear.

Second point. In late afternoon and evening, wind would smooth out the sand (blowing it into unsealed tents, etc.) and leaving it perfectly unmarked. But in the morning, the surface around the tents would be covered with the tracks of scorpions and the tiny desert foxes that hunt them. Was very glad to have solid, tight-sealing tent.

Like you I did not have to carry it (Ancient Landrover with half-flat tires). Hope that helps. Best, jcp
Posted by: herrje

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/06/11 05:56 PM

Hello everyone!

Thanks for all your replies- they've been most useful! As it turns out, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for the US so will be sure to bare all of this in mind when in the stores over there. Will try to follow up with progress!

Thanks again,

Posted by: skinewmexico

Re: Shelter in desert? Rain, sun and mozzies! - 04/12/11 11:12 PM

Franco beat me to it. My Sublite is great in the heat.